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# TwilightWarsLib A Top-down view shooting game framework. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. To start a .event ```typescript CG.TwilightWarsLib.initialize() .then(() => { CG.TwilightWarsLib.events.startEvents('test/test.events', 'arena'); }) ``` To manually setup the game: ```typescript CG.TwilightWarsLib.initialize() .then(() => let mapSource = 'test/test.twmap'; CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppSource(mapSource); CG.Base.resourceManager.load(() => { let mapResource = new CG.TWMap.resources.MapResource(); mapResource.importBase64(CG.Base.resourceManager.getText(mapSource)); mapResource.loadTextures(() => { CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 500); let game = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.Game(); CG.Base.pixi.root.addChild(game); game.initResources(mapResource); game.start(); console.log('tw game created'); let me = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.Actor(game, 'me'); game.addActor(me, new MyActorController(me), 32, 100, 0, null); game.gameCamera.setFocus(me); game.interface.setMe(me); let ai = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.Actor(game, 'ai'); ai.camp = CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.datas.Camp.CAMP2; ai.actorClip.headClip.clip.gotoAndStop(5); game.addActor(ai, new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.controllers.AIController(ai), 160, 300, 0, null); game.createStuff(null, 64 + 16, 128 + 16, CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.items.StuffInfo.getByCode('sword'), game.stuffManager.useNextStuffId(), true); }); }); }) ``` ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. ## Authors * **[Haskasu](/profile/Haskasu)** ## Acknowledgments * Hat tip to anyone who's code was used * Inspiration * etc
# Base2 重新架構的Base2,相比Base少了很多功能,包括Pixi/Sound/ResourceManager/Physics/geoms都被拿掉,只留最主要的CG功能。 ## 基本功能 1. 取得專案的資料 ```typescript // 取得專案代碼 CG.Base2.projectCode; // 取得資源 CG.Base2.getAppResource(resourceAlias: string) // 取得資源網址 CG.Base2.getAppResourceFileUrl(resourceAlias: string, filename?: string) ``` ## 更新循環 Base2內建了一個更新循環系統。 ```typescript // 先定義一個每幀都要更新的函式 function updateFunc(dt: number) { } // 將函式加入更新循環系統 CG.Base2.addUpdateFunction(updateFunc); // 將函式移出更新循環系統 CG.Base2.removeUpdateFunction(updateFunc); ``` 另外也提供子更新循環系統可使用。 ```typescript import Updater = CG.Base2.utils.Updater; // 先定義一個每幀都要更新的函式 function updateFunc(dt: number) { } // 建立子更新循環系統 let updater = new Updater(); // 將函式加入更新循環系統 updater.addDelayFunction(updateFunc); // 可暫停 updater.pause(); // 可繼續 updater.resume(); ``` ## 鍵盤管理員 Base2提供了一個基本的鍵盤管理員,可以在按鍵被按下去(DOWN)、提起來(UP)、先按再提(PRESSED)的時候觸發事件。 ```typescript // 取得鍵盤管理員 import Keyboard = CG.Base.keyboards.Keyboard; import keyboard = CG.Base2.keyboard; import Key = CG.Base2.keyboards.Key; // 鍵盤事件 keyboard.on(Keyboard.EVENT.DOWN, (event: KeyboardEvent) => { if (Key.SPACE.matchEvent(event)) { // 當空白鍵被按下去的時候... } }) // 檢查目前按鍵狀態 if (keyboard.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { // 目前空白鍵是正在按下去的狀態 } ``` ## 補間變化 Base2內建了[tweenjs](https://github.com/tweenjs/tween.js)用來將某個物件的屬性,在一段時間內作動態的變化。 ```typescript async function makeAnimation() { // 建立一隻有x,y資料的動物 let animal = { x: 100, y: 100, }; // 建立補間變化,在1秒內讓動物的x和y變化到指定的值 let tween = new TWEEN.Tween(animal); tween.to( { x: 300, y: 200, }, 1000 // 毫秒 ); tween.start(); // 等待變化完畢 await CG.Base2.waitTween(tween); console.log(animal.x); // 這時會印出 300 } ``` ## JSZip Base2內建[JSZip](https://stuk.github.io/jszip/)。 ```typescript async function loadZip() { let zip = new JSZip(); await zip.loadAsync(buffer); for(let filename in zip.files) { ... } } ```
# TwilightWarsLib A Top-down view shooting game framework. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. To start a .event ```typescript CG.TwilightWarsLib.initialize() .then(() => { CG.TwilightWarsLib.events.startEvents('test/test.events', 'arena'); }) ``` To manually setup the game: ```typescript CG.TwilightWarsLib.initialize() .then(() => let mapSource = 'test/test.twmap'; CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppSource(mapSource); CG.Base.resourceManager.load(() => { let mapResource = new CG.TWMap.resources.MapResource(); mapResource.importBase64(CG.Base.resourceManager.getText(mapSource)); mapResource.loadTextures(() => { CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 500); let game = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.Game(); CG.Base.pixi.root.addChild(game); game.initResources(mapResource); game.start(); console.log('tw game created'); let me = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.Actor(game, 'me'); game.addActor(me, new MyActorController(me), 32, 100, 0, null); game.gameCamera.setFocus(me); game.interface.setMe(me); let ai = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.Actor(game, 'ai'); ai.camp = CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.datas.Camp.CAMP2; ai.actorClip.headClip.clip.gotoAndStop(5); game.addActor(ai, new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.controllers.AIController(ai), 160, 300, 0, null); game.createStuff(null, 64 + 16, 128 + 16, CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.items.StuffInfo.getByCode('sword'), game.stuffManager.useNextStuffId(), true); }); }); }) ``` ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. ## Authors * **[Haskasu](/profile/Haskasu)** ## Acknowledgments * Hat tip to anyone who's code was used * Inspiration * etc
# GLT One Paragraph of the game description goes here ## Getting Started ### Auth (Login) ```typescript // All action must wait until auth system is ready. CG.GLT.auth.onReady(user => { if(user.isLocalGuest()) { // not login yet } else { // logged in user } }); // auth event listener, triggered when auth user changed let authListener = CG.GLT.auth.onAuth(user => { if(user.isLocalGuest()) { // logged out } else { // logged in user } }); // auth event listener, triggered when validating a new auth action // a following onAuth event is expected. this.validatingListener = onAuthValidating(() => { // show loading animation }); ``` ### API The CG.GLT.api is responsible to communicate with glt.gamelet.online. CG.GLT.commands includes all comments to query/submit data from glt.gamelet.online. The commands has a function submit() that uses CG.GLT.api.submitCommand(), so most of the time, you don't need to call the api to submit. ```typescript CG.GLT.commands.scoreService.submitScore( 'challenge', // the name of the score to submit 10, // the score SubmitType.KEEP_HIGHEST, // submit only when the new score is greater than the one on server TimeRange.ALL // submit to all time-ranges (history and weekly) ) .submit(); // to receive the weekly high score list CG.GLT.commands.scoreService.listScores( 'challenge', // the name of the scores to get TimeRange.WEEKLY, // in which time range OrderType.HIGH_TO_LOW, // how to order the scores CG.GLT.api.lastUpdatedServerTimestamp, // tell the server which week to see 0, // start index 10, // how many to get (list: UserScoreList) => { // do something with the scorelist }, (error) => { // deal with error } ) ``` ## Authors **[Haskasu](/profile/113321052805704333314@google)**
# CG.Base Provide tool kits that helps you fast build an app on Code.Gamelet. Key features include: 1. initialize [pixi.js](#pixi.init) environment 1. load and access resources that are imported via Code.Gamelet IDE 1. manage update functions that are called every frame 1. provide debug utilities ## Getting Started Follow the steps below to fast start an app with [PixiJS](#pixi.init). We will implement a box2d environment to demo the usage of Base. <a name="pixi.init"></a> ## Start with Pixi.js<a name="pixi.init"></a> ```typescript class App { constructor() { // initialize pixi CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 400); CG.Base.pixi.physicsDebugDraw.setActive(true); // make a physics wall var wall = CG.Base.physics.createPhysicsObject('wall', {type: 'static'}); wall.addEdge(new CG.Base.geom.Point(10, 300), new CG.Base.geom.Point(500, 330)); // make a dynamic physics ball var ball = CG.Base.physics.createPhysicsObject('ball', {type: 'dynamic'}); ball.addCircle(0, 0, 10, {friction: 0.1, density: 0.1, restitution: 0.3}); ball.setPosition(100, 10); } } new App(); ``` @see [Demo](/edit/Base_Start_with_PIXI) ## Load and play with Resources To load resources that are imported from IDE: ```typescript // tell resources what resources to load (using the alias names) CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppResource('Game1.button'); CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppResource('Game1.music'); // start loading CG.Base.resourceManager.load(() => { // all loaded callback // create button with the image "Game1.button" alias name var button = new CG.Base.pixis.interactive.Button(CG.Base.resourceManager.createPixiSprite('Game1.button', 20, 20)); // set the position of the button button.displayObject.position.set(100, 100); // add the button to pixi.root, so pixi can render the button CG.Base.pixi.root.addChild(button.displayObject); // add a click event listener button.on(CG.Base.pixis.interactive.Button.EVENT.CLICK, () => { // when the button is clicked, play sound with "Game1.music" alias name CG.Base.resourceManager.playSound('Game1.music') }); }); ``` @see [Demo](/edit/Base_Load_Resources) ## Manage update functions Take advantage of CG.Base.addUpdateFunction to make a function called every frame ```typescript class App { constructor() { CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 400); CG.Base.addUpdateFunction(this, this.update); } // this function will be called every frame(called 60 times per second normally) private update(deltaTime:number):void { // do something } } new App(); ``` @see [Demo](/edit/Base_Update_and_Delay_Func) You can call a function in the future by CG.Base.addDelayFunction ```typescript class App { constructor() { CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 400); // call this.delayAction in 1000 milliseconds(= one second) CG.Base.addDelayFunction(this, this.delayAction, 1000); } private delayAction():void { // do something } } new App(); ``` @see [Demo](/edit/Base_Update_and_Delay_Func) ## Interact with Keyboard Use CG.Base.keyboard package to interact with keyboard events. ```typescript export class App { constructor() { // make the window focused, so we can receive keyboard events. window.focus(); // initialize pixi CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 400); // tell resourceManager to load the resource 'Game1.button' CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppResource('Game1.button'); // load resources, and wait callback when resources are all loaded CG.Base.resourceManager.load(() => { // add keyboard event listener, when a key is pressed CG.Base.keyboardManager.on(CG.Base.keyboard.KeyboardManagerEvent.PRESSED, key => { // if the pressed key is space, we call this.createSprite() if (key == CG.Base.keyboard.Key.SPACE) { this.createSprite(); } }); }); } private createSprite(): void { // create a sprite with the image 'Game1.button' var sprite: PIXI.Sprite = CG.Base.resourceManager.createPixiSprite('Game1.button'); // set the position of the sprite sprite.position.set(CG.Base.utils.IntUtil.randomBetween(100, 500), CG.Base.utils.IntUtil.randomBetween(100, 300)); // add the sprite to pixi.root, so it can be rendered CG.Base.pixi.root.addChild(sprite); } } new App(); ``` @see [Demo](/edit/Base_PIXI_Keyboard) ## Debugging The best debug tool on browser is the [developer tools](https://developer.chrome.com/devtools) in Chrome (F12). To find your source code in developer tools, first open developer tools(F12), click "Sources" tab, and search the Network tree as below: > top => {projectCode} => gameFrame => code.gamelet.com => gassets => file/{projectCode}/src for example, if the projectCode is 'Game1', source code is located at > top => Game1 => gameFrame => code.gamelet.com => gassets => file/Game1/src ![Source Network Tree](https://code.gamelet.com/gassets/asset/Base/Base.networktree/networktree.png "Source Network Tree") ### Add Watch In addition to browser's debugging tools, CG.Base provides other useful tools. CG.Base.addWatch() adds objects or objects' properties to Watch panel in CG IDE. ```typescript export class App { constructor() { // initialize pixi CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 400); // tell resourceManager to load the resource 'Game1.button' CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppResource('Game1.button'); CG.Base.resourceManager.load(() => { // add the created sprite into Watch panel, the alias name in Watch panel is 'sprite' CG.Base.addWatch('sprite', this.createSprite()); }); // add this(App)'s 'time' property into Watch panel. The alias name for this property is 'now' CG.Base.addWatch('now', this, 'time'); } private createSprite(): PIXI.Sprite { // create a sprite with the image 'Game1.button' var sprite: PIXI.Sprite = CG.Base.resourceManager.createPixiSprite('Game1.button'); // set the position of the sprite sprite.position.set(CG.Base.utils.IntUtil.randomBetween(100, 500), CG.Base.utils.IntUtil.randomBetween(100, 300)); // add the sprite to pixi.root, so it can be rendered CG.Base.pixi.root.addChild(sprite); return sprite; } // a getter function, that works like a property of App object. get time(): number { return CG.Base.time(); } } new App(); ``` @see [Demo](/edit/Base_Add_Watch) ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. ## Links and Resources This library is running with the libraries below. * [Pixi.js](http://www.pixijs.com/) - 2D rendering engine * [API reference](http://pixijs.download/release/docs/index.html) * [Examples](http://pixijs.io/examples/) * [Pixi keyboard](https://github.com/Nazariglez/pixi-keyboard) - Keyboard utility * [Pixi sound](https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-sound) - Sound utility * [Pixi filters](https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-filters) - Filters Collections * [Pixi GafPlayer](https://github.com/mathieuanthoine/PixiGAFPlayer) - [GafMedia](https://gafmedia.com/) Player * [Liquidfun](http://google.github.io/liquidfun/) - Box2D based physics engine * [MD5](http://www.myersdaily.org/joseph/javascript/md5-text.html) - MD5 implementation by Joseph Myers ## Authors **Haska Su** - *Initial work*
# TwilightWarsLib A Top-down view shooting game framework. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. To start a .event ```typescript CG.TwilightWarsLib.initialize() .then(() => { CG.TwilightWarsLib.events.startEvents('test/test.events', 'arena'); }) ``` To manually setup the game: ```typescript CG.TwilightWarsLib.initialize() .then(() => let mapSource = 'test/test.twmap'; CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppSource(mapSource); CG.Base.resourceManager.load(() => { let mapResource = new CG.TWMap.resources.MapResource(); mapResource.importBase64(CG.Base.resourceManager.getText(mapSource)); mapResource.loadTextures(() => { CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 500); let game = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.Game(); CG.Base.pixi.root.addChild(game); game.initResources(mapResource); game.start(); console.log('tw game created'); let me = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.Actor(game, 'me'); game.addActor(me, new MyActorController(me), 32, 100, 0, null); game.gameCamera.setFocus(me); game.interface.setMe(me); let ai = new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.Actor(game, 'ai'); ai.camp = CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.datas.Camp.CAMP2; ai.actorClip.headClip.clip.gotoAndStop(5); game.addActor(ai, new CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.actors.controllers.AIController(ai), 160, 300, 0, null); game.createStuff(null, 64 + 16, 128 + 16, CG.TwilightWarsLib.games.items.StuffInfo.getByCode('sword'), game.stuffManager.useNextStuffId(), true); }); }); }) ``` ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. ## Authors * **[Haskasu](/profile/Haskasu)** ## Acknowledgments * Hat tip to anyone who's code was used * Inspiration * etc
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