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# TestTube TestTubes is a simple library for the CG platform. ## Usage ### Basic Usage First, import the required functions from the library: ```typescript const {test, expect, runTests} = CG.TestTube; ``` ### Writing Tests You can write tests using the `test` function. Each test is defined with a description, a test function, and optional tags for categorization: ```typescript test("adds numbers correctly", () => { expect(1 + 2).toBe(3); }, ["math"]); ``` ### Running Tests To run all registered tests, use the `runTests` function: ```typescript runTests(); ``` You can also run tests with a specific tag: ```typescript runTests("math"); ``` ### Assertions TestTubes provides a simple `expect` function to make assertions, including: - `toBe(expected)`: Asserts that the actual value is strictly equal to the expected value. - `toEqual(expected)`: Asserts that the actual value is deeply equal to the expected value. - `toBeTruthy()`: Asserts that the actual value is truthy. - `toBeFalsy()`: Asserts that the actual value is falsy. - `toThrow(expectedMessage?)`: Asserts that the actual function throws an error, optionally matching the expected message. ### Example Here's a very simple example demonstrating the usage of TestTubes for a simple math library and a DOM manipulation library: ```typescript const {test, expect, runTests} = CG.TestTube; // Math library export const MathLib = { add(a: number, b: number): number { return a + b; }, subtract(a: number, b: number): number { // Typing error return a + b; }, multiply(a: number, b: number): number { return a * b; }, divide(a: number, b: number): number { if (b === 0) throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero"); return a / b; } }; // DOM manipulation library export const DomLib = { createElement(tag: string, content: string): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement(tag); element.textContent = content; return element; }, appendToBody(element: HTMLElement): void { document.body.appendChild(element); } }; // Math library tests test("adds numbers correctly", () => { expect(MathLib.add(1, 2)).toBe(3); }, ["math"]); test("subtracts numbers correctly", () => { expect(MathLib.subtract(2, 1)).toBe(1); }, ["math"]); test("multiplies numbers correctly", () => { expect(MathLib.multiply(2, 2)).toBe(4); }, ["math"]); test("divides numbers correctly", () => { expect(MathLib.divide(4, 2)).toBe(2); }, ["math", "division"]); test("throws error when dividing by zero", () => { expect(() => MathLib.divide(4, 0)).toThrow("Cannot divide by zero"); }, ["math", "division"]); // DOM manipulation tests test("creates an element with correct tag and content", () => { const element = DomLib.createElement("div", "Hello, World!"); expect(element.tagName.toLowerCase()).toBe("div"); expect(element.textContent).toBe("Hello, World!"); }, ["dom"]); test("appends an element to the body", () => { const element = DomLib.createElement("div", "Appended Element"); DomLib.appendToBody(element); expect(document.body.contains(element)).toBeTruthy(); }, ["dom"]); // Run all tests runTests(); // Optionally run only tests with a specific tag // runTests("math"); ``` The output looks like this: ```text Running 7 tests... ✅ adds numbers correctly ❌ subtracts numbers correctly Expected 3 to be 1 ✅ multiplies numbers correctly ✅ divides numbers correctly ✅ throws error when dividing by zero ✅ creates an element with correct tag and content ✅ appends an element to the body ``` ## API ### `test(description: string, fn: TestFunction, tags: string[] = [])` Registers a new test. - `description`: A description of the test. - `fn`: The test function to execute. - `tags`: Optional tags to categorize the test. ### `runTests(tag?: string)` Runs all registered tests, or only tests with the specified tag. - `tag`: Optional tag to filter tests to run. ### `expect(actual: unknown)` Creates an expectation for a value. Returns an object with assertion methods. ## Authors **[FOBShippingPoint](/profile/FOBShippingPoint)**
# LearningWonderlandFOBsp # 操作方式 點選左方按鈕觀看範例 - 舞台:舞台範例,滑鼠右下方會顯示xy座標 - 捲軸背景:演示使用ScrollingBg製作出的捲軸背景 - 攝影機:演示GameCamera的基本用法及設定焦點物件 - 補間動畫:Tween範例,各種不同Easing的呈現 - AUTOWRAP:AutoWrapTextBox試驗,為了我方便而寫的Class - 鍵盤;演示各種鍵盤事件的差異 - 物理:演示如何新增物理物件及連結可視物件 - 音效:演示如何播放音效和改變音量,來源:https://audionautix.com/ (ClapAlong) - 科皓不要: 科皓不要啊 # 第一次接觸程式? [請移駕](cg://source/CG.LearningWonderlandFOBsp/CG_NiceToMeetYou.md) # 科皓不要 # 舞台初始化 製作遊戲首先應該要製作一個遊戲舞台,而在CG(Code Gamelet)中,我們使用以下方法初始化一個長600像素(px)、寬400像素的舞台: ```typescript CG.Base.pixi.initialize(600, 400) ``` 接著按下<b>試玩遊戲</b>,你會得到一片黑,但是舞台的確已經出現了,讓我們改變舞台顏色使其可見: ```typescript // 指定一個Sprite(精靈)給bg(backgorund) let bg = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE) // 設定bg的長寬為舞台的長寬 bg.width = CG.Base.pixi.stageWidth bg.height = CG.Base.pixi.stageHeight // 將設定好的bg加進我們的舞台(root) CG.Base.pixi.root.addChild(bg) ``` 資源載入 ```typescript // e.g. LearningWonderlandFOBsp.cover CG.Base.resourceManager.addAppResource('專案名稱.資源1') .addAppResource('專案名稱.資源2') .addAppResource('專案名稱.資源3') .addAppResource('專案名稱.資源4') // function會在資源載入完成後呼叫 CG.Base.resourceManager.load(function(){ console.log('資源載入完成') }) ``` 音效播放 ```typescript // 假設「已經」載入ProjectName.sound這個音效 // sound是一種PIXI.sound.Sound let sound = CG.Base.resourceManager.getSound('ProjectName.sound') // 開始播放 sound.play() // 停止播放 sound.stop() // 繼續播放 sound.resume() // 暫停 sound.pause() // 循環播放 sound.play({loop: true}) ``` ## 物理 快速入門: ```typescript // 用CG.Base.physics創造一個「動態」物理物件,並用phyOb接住 let phyOb: CG.Base.physics2d.PhysicsObject = CG.Base.physics.createPhysicsObject('physicsObjectName', { type: 'dynamic' }) // 給phyOb圓形 phyOb.addCircle(0, 0, 25, { restitution: 1 }) // 啟用除錯繪圖,使物理物件可見 CG.Base.pixi.physcisDebugDraw.setActive(true) ``` 類別介紹: - Physics - PhysicsObject - PhysicsDebugDraw ### Physics <!-- ![alt 文字](https://i.imgur.com/KKyZdfa.png "把滑鼠移到initialize上會看到的密文") <br> ▲把滑鼠移到initialize上會看到的密文 --> ## Authors **[FOBShippingPoint](/profile/FOBShippingPoint)**
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