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# PyScript Integrate Py-Script into your CG project. Run py-script on web. - [PyScript home](https://pyscript.net/) - [Document](https://docs.pyscript.net/latest/) - [Github](https://github.com/pyscript/pyscript) ## Getting Started Run a py-script ```typescript CG.PyScript.runScriptFromSource('CG.PyScript/test.py'); ``` Open a py-editor ```typescript CG.PyScript.addRepl('User Script Editor'); ``` Customize the looks ```typescript CG.PyScript.setPyscriptStyles({ fontSize: '16px', padding: '10px, fontFamily: 'Courier', }) ``` ## Build-in utils Some CG related utils are embeded and ready to be used. To get the URL of a source file: ```py url = getAppSourceUrl('CG/PyScript/README.md') print(url) ``` To hide or show python console ```py # hide js.hidePythonConsole() # show js.showPythonConsole() ``` To open dialogs: ```py result = await js.dialog.prompt("What's your name?") print("Your name is " + result) result = await js.dialog.confirm("Are you a girl?") print("You are a " + ("Girl" if result else "Boy")) result = await js.dialog.select(["One", "Two"], "Choose one") print("You got a " + (result if result else "What?")) ``` To draw shapes: ```py # draw a line js.draw.line(10, 400, 300, 100, color=0xFF0000, thickness=5) # draw a rectangle js.draw.rect(100, 300, 100, 50, fillColor=0xFFFF00) # draw a circle js.draw.circle(400, 300, 30, fillColor=0x00FF00, lineThickness=5, lineColor=0x00FFFF) # draw a text js.draw.text(500, 400, "Logo", fontSize=16, color=0xFF9900) # draw lines js.draw.lines([{"x":10,"y":10},{"x":200,"y":400},{"x":100,"y":500}], thickness=2) # draw a polygon js.draw.polygon([{"x":10,"y":10},{"x":200,"y":400},{"x":100,"y":500}]) ```
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